

Spring and nature unfolds mysteriously before me - and I can’t help but stare. 

Look! Under our sensitive necks, a thin cord of potential energy 

runs down our backs

birthing a Grand Canyon –

neurons yelling at each other across a chasm imprinted by trauma.

Dad...I want to fix your back!


A rolling cacophony – bursting, bubbling, fighting, wrapping its energy around,

leaving only a trail of shredded flowers to follow. 

What makes it tick? 

I will make sure that others have an opportunity to look closer.

It drips like a surrealist painting. 

It melts - a completely different picture up close than when squinting from far away. 

The right question matters more than finding the right answer. 

I will make sure that others have an opportunity to look closer.

Luisa Fernanda Apolaya Torres

For Shannon, biological creative at MIT Media Lab.